18th Annual Snow Goose Festival

Workshop: The Life of the Rough-legged Hawk

Workshop: The Life of the Rough-legged Hawk

$8 Adult; $5 Youth

Saturday, Jan 28, 2017 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Workshop is at Chico Masonic Family Center (Map)


Since 2014, Jeff Kidd and his associates have collected approximately 100,000 GPS locations from fledgling and adult Rough-legged Hawks that were fitted with satellite and cellular transmitters. Hawks were trapped and released with transmitters on various summer and winter grounds throughout North America. During this presentation, we will discuss the biology, ecology, status, conservation, and annual movements of Rough-legged hawks. Maps will be provided to show fall and spring migration routes and movement data for both winter and summer grounds. Many other aspects of the life of these amazing hawks will also be discussed. Picture above taken by Alex Paiement.


Jeff P. Smith, Ph.D.

Dr. Jeff Smith has 25 years of experience studying the breeding and migration/movement ecology of various raptors throughout western North America, and assessing and developing conservation solutions to minimize and mitigate the impacts of energy, residential, and other large-scale developments on migrating and breeding raptors. For the past 6 years, he has worked as an ecological consultant at H. T. Harvey & Associates, based in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. For the previous 13 years, he served as the Science Director at HawkWatch International, a Utah-based non-profit dedicated to raptor conservation, where he coordinated a network of long-term raptor migration studies and research projects in 10 primarily western states. His experience includes operating raptor migration banding stations in six western states, and extensive satellite-based tracking of several raptor species, including the ongoing collaborative study of Rough-legged Hawks with Jeff Kidd. Dr. Smith currently serves on the Steering Committee for the California-Nevada Golden Eagle Working Group, on the California Swainson's Hawk Technical Advisory Committee, and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Raptor Research.

Jeff P. Smith, Ph.D.'s Events

Jeff Kidd

Jeff Kidd is a raptor ecologist who maintains various state and federal permits authorizing capture and take of threatened and endangered species ranging from butterflies to eagles. Since 1993 Jeff has concentrated his efforts in raptor research and banded approximately 10,000 raptors from 33 species throughout the western United States, Canada, and Scandinavia with an emphasis in California. Jeff is the Vice-President of Kidd Biological, Inc, a small consulting firm located in Murrieta, CA that focuses on research and management of raptors and various endangered species. Jeff is currently conducting research on Rough-legged Hawks throughout North America, Peregrine Falcons in coastal northern California and in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Northern Harriers along southern California coastal zones and Burrowing Owls statewide to name a few.

Jeff Kidd's Events