Home :: Past Festivals :: 12th Annual Snow Goose Festival :: Artists Participating in the Uptown-Downtown Pacific Flyway Art Exhibit

12th Annual Snow Goose Festival: January 27-30, 2011
Artists Participating in the Uptown-Downtown Pacific Flyway Art Exhibit

Anne Gottlieb

Juanita Baldwin

Sharon Barker

Gary Baugh

Kathy Burtman

Paula Busch

Judith Carter

Glen Cowan

Phyllis Cullen

Henk Dehoop

Kateryna Elson

Ruelene Fillerup

Rachel Helm

Jane King

Karen Laslo

Jim Lawrence

Ann Lockett

Candy Matthews

Susan Moreno McConnell

Diane Moore

Gary Morgret

Michael Rogner

Mike Simpson

Sylvia Smejkal

Rachelle Stangeland

Roberta Stone

Monica Van der Vieren

Richard Verkuyl

Steve Wiley

Mary Wurlitzer

Chris Yates